Maya Khourchid
creative director / writer
Every year, G NGO hosts the Lebanese edition of Earth Hour, an annual global event where cities all over the world turn off the lights for one hour to mark their commitment towards fighting climate change through sustainable action. But in Lebanon, people aren't very interested in participating as the country suffers from electricity shortages and so they often don't have power at all. To rally participation for Earth Hour Lebanon 2017, we created communication that ran in parallel with the global Earth Hour communication to raise awareness on the direct effect of climate change on the country unless changes are made now. The Earth Hour Lebanon 2017 event saw a turn out of over 10,000 people and we drove our point home on-ground at with The Exhibition of the Future - a futuristic museum-style showcase of iconic and everyday objects that will cease to exist in Lebanon, unless the current course of climate change is reversed.
Maya Mohtar / Maya Khourchid
Agency: JWT Beirut
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